štvrtok 26. februára 2009
Antropologie mody
Ahojki, dovolila by som si odkazat na tento blog http://josephy.blog.idnes.cz/clanok.asp?cl=64922&bk=10172. Je to blog mojho profesora a tyka sa antropologie mody. Poviem pravdu, tento predmet som si vybrala hlavne koli nazvu Antorpologie mody. Myslim, ze vsetci uznate, ze je to fakt originalny nazor pre predmet na vysokej skole. I ked u nas na FHS http://fhs.cuni.cz/ by ste predmetou s zaujimavymi nazvami nasli viac. S ocakavanim asi nicoho som sla na prvu hodinu a myslim, ze ma velmi prekvapila. Prekvapila. Pozitivne aj negativne. Negativne ma prekvapila trosku narocnejsia atestacia ako som ocakavala, ale stoji to za to. Myslim, ze tento predmet bude fakt dobry a vela sa pri nom naucim a dokonca mi to pomoze v dalsom studiu. No a prekvapilo ma ( pozitivne a myslim,ze nielen mna)ze takyto predmet o mode uci muz. Asi som zase dala na nejaky milny predsudok. Myslim, ze to bude fajn a vnesie to nejaky novy vietor na pole babskych kecou o mode ako takej. Ale predsa len nechajme sa prekvapit.
utorok 17. februára 2009
My 1. Polyvore set
Hello, my name is Karolina and this is my first post for this blog :-) Its interesting to write something like introduction, actually i really don´t know what to write.
So meybe something about me? :-) I was born in Nitra - Slovakia (20 years and 364 days before), very nice town. I love it very much because my family and friends live there, i spent there great time, my childhood and my teenage years.
But now i live in one of the most beautiful cities i have ever been - Prague. I moved here after finishing high school and I started to study in Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. I like Prague very much, here is so great architecture and nice places.
I think i should say something about me, my hobbies. I like listening music, watching movies, fashion is my passion :-) and traveling, if I have a time and money, i would travel all year :-), i like reading books and I can´t forget about art.....
so this is me...:-)....but not everithing....you´ll see...
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