i really like these styles! You have a great blog. I'd love to read more to come. Just to let you know. I'm having a free giveaway contest to give away postcards made out of my photographs. Check it out on my Photo blog. keep up the good work!
From Nitra(SR) but living in Prague(CZ). Crazy, addicted to fashion, art, music. Love wine,traveling, meeting new people, dancing and talking to friends and cooking!
nesmrteľná kombinácia
OdpovedaťOdstrániťno jo...to je nadherna klasika, ktera nikdy neomrzi...btw zrovna koukam na bajecny svet shoppoholiku...super filmik:)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťjj, super nesmrtelna klasika!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťShoppoholikov som tiez videla, miestami som mala pocit, ze je to film o mne :-)
i really like these styles!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYou have a great blog. I'd love to read more to come. Just to let you know. I'm having a free giveaway contest to give away postcards made out of my photographs. Check it out on my Photo blog. keep up the good work!